What does a Paediatric/Children's MSK Physio Do/ What can they treat
A Paediatric Physiotherapist is a Specialist Physiotherapist who can assess, diagnosis and provide treatment management to infants,...

Massage Therapist Steven Cockburn's Journey to becoming Chartered Physiotherapist
My journey to becoming a Chartered Physiotherapist - getting to know Steven Cockburn After 10 years as a Personal Trainer and Massage...

Do you have knee pain ? - Quick Diagnosis & Treatment by an Expert Physiotherapist
A Physiotherapists speedy and thorough assessment and diagnose your knee pain can quickly get you on the road to recovery and return you...

Spring 2022 - Whats the News???
News from clinic 2022- new services and thank you to our clients

Therap-Ease is looking forward to what 2021will bring?
2020 is almost over... what a quick and very different year it has been. In the clinic here in Morningside, Edinburgh we adapted our...

Discover the New Normal for Physiotherapy?
2020 has been the strangest year for everyone in the world and it feels like we have been in a science fiction movie set. We could never...

Physiotherapy Telephone and Virtual Consultations
COVID-19 is a challenge for everyone- from frontline and essential workers to those who have to self isolate. Musculoskeletal...
Therap-Ease 2020- Clinic Updates
2020 sounds like it will be a positive year with possibilities off growth and development with sprinklings of hard work. Therap-Ease...

Rolling towards 2019
As we approach the end of 2018, it’s a time to reflect on the year as a whole and remember the memories we have made during the last 12...

Therap-Ease Celebrates its 5th Birthday!!!
Celebration and offers to our clients as we celebrate our 5th Birthday.