Why Edinburgh Physiotherapists Jill and Emily Lecture Musculoskeletal Medicine to fully qualified GP
Local Edinburgh Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists Jill Kerr and Emily Goodlad frequently leave the comfort of the Morningside Health and Wellbeing Clinic in Morningside to travel to various UK and Overseas destinations to lecture for the Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine (SOMM - A charity set up in 1979 to deliver post graduate Education to Physiotherapists and Doctors in the UK and abroad with the aim to enhance patient care within the MSK Speciality).
Jill and Emily have both lectured for over 15 years and have influenced the clinical practice of hundreds of GPs and Physiotherapists within the UK and Aboad.
Being involved with teaching for this organisation has continued to challenge the resourcefulness of Jill and Emily and ensures they are extremely up to date with the research. They continue to learn and advance within their Specialist MSK field. Standing in front of up to 30 colleagues at any one time when they lecture, constantly develops their communication skills, handling skills and their own clinical reasoning.
Lecturing from Liverpool to London, Sweden to Hong Kong they have spread the SOMM methods of clinical skills and analytical thinking of MSK Specialists.
This video gives an insight on how the clinical practice of these 5 GPs has been influenced by attending the SOMM training courses.
Post graduate Education is an important part of Professional Development and Jill and Emily feel privilidged to be a part of this Post Graduate MSc pathway teaching oranisation. We feel it benefits our patients here in Edinburgh to have Physiotherapists at the cutting edge within their field. Our recent textbook published by Elsevier: A Practical Approach to Musculoskeletal Medicine is now for sale on amazon.

'Treating you Better' is the JIll Kerr Physiotherapy strapline and by continuing to go away and lecture helps to ensure we give the best service to our patients! www.jillkerrphysiotherapy.co.uk