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Marathon Running - Useful Advice

The days are getting longer, and hopefully your runs are too!

With winter looking like it has finally cleared up, and the sun pushing

through it's time to slip on your trainers and start hitting the


There are lots of things to think about when preparing for a long run

and many problems that can come from these extra miles.

Here are some useful tips to help put your mind at ease and help you

look after yourself this marathon season!

Tip one: Trainers and Socks!

Grab yourself a sport specific sock, some have double layers and are

branded as "anti-blister". Try to avoid cotton socks. These socks hold

your feet's moisture and often promote blistering as they don't wick

away moisture too well! If you like natural materials then try a silk


Trainers - Make sure they are comfortable, and not too old. The average

pair of trainers will last 400-500 miles so try keeping track of how

long you've had them for and how far you go. Replacing your trainers

every 12 months is a great habit to get into to ensure your shoes don't

get too worn and increase your chances of injury. If you want to know

more about the wear pattern on your shoes or how to tell if they are

worn out then take a picture of the soles of your shoes and send them in

to us!!

Tip two: Stretch!

I know it seems obvious, but many runners forget to stretch or plan to

"do it later". A simple 30 second stretch during or after a run is going

to ease that niggling calf or cramping quad. Dynamic (moving e.g leg

swings) stretches work well before a run to get you warmed up, and

static (still e.g touching your toes) stretches after your run help

improve flexibility and reduce injury chances and pain the following


Tip three: Jump in the pool or on to the bike!

If you're upping the miles and starting to feel a bit sore, maybe it’s

taking your muscles longer to recover from each run then take some time

off the pavements and go for a swim. Swimming or biking is a great way

to reduce the stresses and strains on your body. These zero impact

activities allow you to continue training your fitness whilst giving

your muscles a rest. Try this for a few days then go back to your

running routine if you are starting to notice those classic running

pains getting worse and worse.

If you want to know more about any of the tips mentioned above or have a

question about injuries, marathons, running and more... Just message us: | | | 07818116237

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